Will I benefit from using Space without adopting a specific pattern?
While it's possible to use Space without adopting the Flux and/or Event Sourcing patterns, it's highly recommended you at least consider Flux for managing the state of your app given we believe it's a good for most projects.
meteor add space:flux
Event sourcing infrastructure
meteor add space:event-sourcing
Testing Package
Testing is a major focus for the Space project and is in fact one of the primary reasons for it to exist. Space abstracts the boilerplate and exposes convenient and expressive BDD APIs to allow for simple and rock solid testing of module and application code.
Get started
Add space:testing
to your Package.onTest in the package.js
Since your app is written into code we can provide nice BDD style APIs to test it, with much less boilerplate and time wasted second guessing your tests. Maybe it's actually less code overall!
Package-only architecture
Space currently only supports testing of package code since it uses practicalmeteor:munit under the hood, an extension of Meteor's own package testing solution TinyTest. This may seem like a limiting factor, but it's recommended practice when building a system with Space.
Updated less than a minute ago